In the wake of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, many socially responsible companies made a pledge to become an antiracist company and address racial inequity. They made public statements denouncing systemic racism, donated money to social justice organizations, and doubled-down on training more employees on unconscious bias. Now what?
More has to be done to transform organizations to produce racial equity. The Lean thinking improvement system has a long history of transforming organizations for better outcomes and the greater good. Check out this 1-hour webinar to see how a Lean-thinking framework can be adapted to help companies achieve the social justice they seek.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this Webinar, you will be able to:
- Explain how using a Lean thinking approach can help create an antiracist organization
- Describe the wastes that normalize and produce racial inequity
- Discuss 5 Lean principles from an antiracist perspective
- Examine a value stream for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) improvement opportunities
- Begin with the customer
- Systemic Thinking
- Lean principles through an antiracist lens
- Value Stream Mapping for DEI improvement opportunities
- Q&A
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