Did you know that a large percentage of students looking to become Green Belts never finish a project? Or that many would-be Lean practitioners give up the practice? Whether you are studying Lean, Six Sigma, or Continuous Improvement, the industry can be fraught with barriers. We take a deeper dive into these barriers and, more importantly, discuss how to overcome them. Whether you are starting your first project or coaching Continuous Improvement teams, there are ways to avoid losing new practitioners before they get started.
In this 1-hour webinar, guest host and Master Black Belt Amanda Zimmerman will let you in on how to overcome common challenges that can derail projects, how to encourage new Continuous Improvement practitioners to stick with it.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the cultural elements that create unnecessary barriers
- Find the value in every Lean Six Sigma tool
- Create achievable expectations
- Connect to the simplicity of Continuous Improvement
- Culture of Continuous Improvement
- Confidence Deflators
- Keeping the Journey Simple
- Wrap-Up and Questions
Who is Amanda Zimmerman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azimmermanlss/