Is your organization in an endless loop of unsustainable performance improvement projects? Are you failing to see a substantial impact? Are your systems failing to reinforce operational efficiency and productivity? How do we close the gap between systems, tools and behaviors to attain sustainable results?
Successfully achieving Operational Excellence requires a long-term quest for perfection. Sustainable results emerge from cultures where every person—from every level—is engaged in the daily journey towards excellence. The Shingo Model can guide that journey.
Check out this 1-hour webinar where transformational visionary Carlos Cruz will walk us through the power of The Shingo Model. Beyond a simple tool or methodology, the Shingo Model will teach you about the relationship between culture, systems, and principles which are essential for results-driven, sustainable organizational excellence.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this Webinar, you will be able to:
Describe the Shingo Model and its origin
List the KBIs (Key Behavioral Indicator) that drive KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Define the Three Insights of Organizational Excellence
Outline the Shingo Model’s relationship between tools, systems, principles, culture, and results.
List the ten Shingo Model guiding principles framework
Shigeo Shingo
The Shingo Prize
Organizational Excellence
Three Insights
Guiding Principles
Who is Carlos Cruz: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-cruz-the-guiding-principles/